Sunday, January 20, 2013

Called To Witness

Was called to be that voice
One crying out in the wilderness
Telling the world to repent for Jesus Christ has came to rid them of their filthiness
But rather we have allowed ourselves to be carried away with laziness

Carried away with our own thoughts, our own desires
Only willing to spread the Word if we're the ones being hired
Being hooked on the drug called money
Tending to laugh like it's funny

Call ourselves rockin Jesus, like He's some brand name
We Christian but doing opposite of that calling and this is what brings on shame
Reppin Jesus but bringing fame to our name not knowing that our living for Him has become vain
"Us" we've got the world looking for
Called to be that witness of Jesus Christ like that  late forerunner John the Baptist
Not looking for folks to snap to this

We sing
We praise
We worship
But what about Him
Is not our first commission is to tell another about Jesus Christ
The One we claim to be living within
Our obedience needs to be in submission instead of being so swallowed up by our own tradition

Love will draw us to this attention
Christ is speaking and all He is asking is that we listen

It's this that we need to set aside
So that we won't dwell in us but seeking to be pleasing in Jesus
For it's in Him we need to abide
So that we would look and love souls through His eyes

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I was born in sin and shaped in iniquity
Because of this I was bound by the sins of the world that rests inside of me

Was a servant
One consumed by her fleshly desires
Caught up in drugs
The club seen
Desperate for that attention
You know what I mean

One raised in church
But really didnt have that relationship with Christ
And having been told that I needed to live right
I found excuse after excuse and called myself having reasons to take flight
But because of God's grace and His mercies
He didnt give me what I justly deserve you see

Death and the lake of fire burning with brimstone was once waiting for me
Once allowed myself to be deceived and like those foolish Galatians I've once allowed trickery to bewitch me
But one day it was like God said enough is enough
He made Himself known to me
And with love and kindness He embraced me

At that moment I had to decide in whom I wanted to abide
It then was MY choice to decide
Having to choose to live this life for myself and Jesus and no-one else
So as you can see
Ive made my decision
And this relationship I was able to take part of inside this religion called Christianity

One that connects me
Directs me
Allows me to take on the likeness of His resurrection and have fellowship in suffering
Allowed me to take off the sinful nature and put on the new
You tell me any other God
Saviour who would be able to do that for you

His sacrifice was the ultimate price
for my freedom in Him
Salvation via Acts 2:38 I said yes for ME
Wanting to live right because I had come in contact with the One who had the ability to loose those chains that were binding me

Jesus Christ
My Saviour
My God
My Holy Ghost
All of this dwelling in Him is what I love the most
And He's now dwelling in me
His Spirit brings liberty
And who He sets free
They're free indeed