Friday, May 25, 2012

The Battle

I've been battling with you for quite some time
Allowing you to come between
Messing up friendships that were called by divine

I've allowed you to control my thoughts
Which then allowed you to control my actions
You wouldn't stop until you were able to receive some satisfaction

You made me believe once upon a time that it was impossible to have control over you
Not understanding the power that rest inside I didn't know
And because of the lack of knowledge
you flew

But let me tell you
I've come to the realization
That I've got the Greater in me that provides empowerment over you
I feel you acting up at times
But I'm reminded that I'm filled with your creator
Jesus Christ my Saviour

So whether I've got to get on my knees and cry before the Lord before giving into your dirty deeds
I'm reminded that when I submit to the One that's in me
I'm able to remain strong because these feelings will soon flee

So to you flesh
You may war against the Spirit
And yes
The Spirit against you
But who wins the battle
It sure isn't you

The Battle


  1. I love this poem Sha'ron. You truly have a gift from God. Keep being a blessing to the Body of Christ!!!

  2. Thank you so much Theophilus Bell for your encouragment...keep praying for a sista.
